Monday, April 10, 2006

President Sinks Even Lower

A Washington Post/ABC News Poll shows that the President's approval rating has sunk even
lower. The poll was conducted April 6-9, so information about the leaks coming from the Oval Office and Bush's encounter with Harry Taylor should have figured in to the responses. The Republican loyalists that I've spoken with think Bush handled his first enounter with the First Amendment reasonable well. That doesn't seem to have helped his numbers much, though.

Scott McClellen might differ with me on whether it is a leak if the President declassified the information. I have news for Scotty. Most Americans I know are tired of going along with the administration in their semantics games. When the President selectively leaks information to fool the American people or to discredit one man who speaks out against him, most Americans know that is wrong. There will always be a group of nut rubbers who will go along with anything the President does or says, but they are in the minority if poll numbers are correct.

Overall approval is down again in many of the polls that have come out over the past week. According to the WaPo:
The new survey found that 38 percent of the public approved of the job Bush is doing as president, down 3 percentage points in the past month and his worst showing in Post-ABC polling on this key measure since he became president. Sixty percent disapproved of his performance.
The numbers look even worse when you look at the Iraq war numbers.
Nearly six in 10--58 percent--currently say the war was not worth the cost while nearly half say they "strongly" feel the conflict wasn't worth fighting. The latest result marked the 13th consecutive Post-ABC survey since December 2004 in which a majority of Americans has questioned the value of U.S. involvement in Iraq.

Look for more polls to come out this week. Some will probably show even lower approval ratings. Let's hope he can keep this up. The lower he drags his party the easier our job will be to convince voters that Democrats can and will govern more effectively, honestly, openly and will conduct themselves with more dignity and show more respect for the American people.


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